WWE Crown Jewel 2023: 10 Things That Must Happen

6. Logan Paul Wins WWE Gold

WWE Crown Jewel 2023 LA Knight

This is happening, people.

Rey Mysterio has a natural story brewing with LWO cohort Santos Escobar anyway, and he doesn’t really need the United States Title for that coming feud. Besides, putting one of your midcard belts on a pop culture sensation like Logan Paul is a no-brainer. Think of the eyeballs he’d get on WWE carrying that strap around.

Some hardcore wrestling fans still don't like to admit it, but LP is money and a far bigger global star than pretty much every full-timer in the industry. He brings casual interest, and the seductive thought of brand new fans latching on to WWE's product. Triple H will surely be interested in that goodness.

Also, and this is worth saying, Paul has proved he's damn good in-ring too. Putting the US Title on him isn't akin to WCW awkwardly shoving their World Title on David Arquette - it's logical, and it'd lead to some brilliantly insufferable heel promos on TV after the fact.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.