WWE Draft 2020: 10 Trades That MUST Happen

1. Samoa Joe To SmackDown

Braun Strowman Raw

Samoa Joe as a commentator has been a revelation during his time of injury. He makes all the right calls, is perfectly objective providing cases for both the heels and the faces, he's been the perfect example to all of WWE's commentators showing them exactly what they should be. However, all good things must come to an end. Joe can't stay behind the desk forever and his time to get back in the ring has come. Rumour has it that Joe is perfectly fit and ready to go and is merely waiting for the creative team to come up with something for him.

Roman Reigns recently teased an alliance with Joe, and this could be the perfect way to have Joe return to the ring. Have Joe drafted by Smackown under the guise that he is merely there as the brand's newest colour commentator. Then, when everyone least expects it, he jumps up from the desk and destroys the poor sap who is standing in the way of Reigns. Perhaps it could even be the Usos and Joe could factor into the whole Samoan bloodline storyline. The Samoan destroyer could act as a mercenary for Reigns, who's new gimmick seems to include having others do the work for him before he capitalises on the weak. It certainly would make for an interesting alliance that would prove very entertaining until the two turn on each other and produce a series of incredible matches for the title.

Don't worry, Joe will be back behind the desk after he's done in the ring, that time just hasn't come yet.


Just an Australian wrestling fan who grew up admiring the sport that we all know and love. All round wrestling fanatic, wouldn’t mind if you just sat down and listened to his humble opinions on the wrestling world.