WWE Draft 2023: 5 Things That Will Happen (And 5 That WON'T!)

9. WON’T: Huge Fan Interest

Triple H WWE Draft 2023

That's just it: Some WWE fans will sleep on the Draft specials, mainly because they're so incredibly bored of them by 2023. In fairness, the writers have often done little to stir interest in these editions of Raw and SmackDown; the real fun doesn't kick in until after the Draft has concluded anyway.

So, fans may snooze through the actual meat of it.

There's something else at play here too. How important was the 2021 Draft really? Like, did it have a huge, earth-shaking and long-term impact on programming? Nah, and that's why a fair few fans groaned on social media when Triple H announced the latest chapter.

People will rightly reserve judgement until after the fact, 'cause they've been burned before with this grandiose "brand exclusivity" thing. Being brutally honest, WWE hasn't properly honoured that since the earliest Drafts, and they might never respect their own rules 100% of the time again.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.