WWE Draft 2023: 5 Things That Will Happen (And 5 That WON'T!)

2. WILL: Separating The World Titles

Triple H WWE Draft 2023

Reportedly, Triple H remains interested in splitting the Undisputed WWE Universal Title into two distinct belts again. There are even reports that 'The Game' wants to scrap the Universal Title in favour of bringing back the old World Heavyweight Championship, but that obviously remains to be seen and could be scuppered by Vinnie Mac's return to action.

This writer still expects WWE to start wheels in motion for an eventual brand split for both World Titles though. In the short-term, Roman Reigns can still appear on both shows as a part-time attraction when needed, but it's true that Raw (in particular) misses having its own World Champ on a three-hour weekly.

The WWE belt would likely be housed on Raw, and the Universal/World Heavyweight over on SmackDown. This would be a massive announcement as part of the 2023 Draft, but keeping the things on Reigns would also buy WWE time so they can properly thrash out who's getting which strap.

Undisputed no more!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.