WWE Elimination Chamber 2022: 10 Things That Must Happen

9. The Usos Retain

Steve Austin WWE Saudi Arabia

Erm...this rivalry has sucked.

Sorry if that's a bit harsh, but it's the truth. SmackDown's writers have done a woeful job of readying The Viking Raiders for a tag title tilt, and then creative went the lazy route by having Jimmy and Jey steal their helmets on Friday. Wow, how thrilling.

The most irritating thing about this is that Erik and Ivar would be fine challengers for The Usos is WWE just let everyone be serious. All the jocular bullsh*t has damaged The Raiders beyond repair though, and that's why this is a routine win waiting to happen for Roman Reigns' cousins.

There's no way they drop the straps this weekend - not to a team WWE blatantly don't know how to book strongly. One can see Erik eating another splash from Jimmy or Jey and then New Day being re-established as the number one contenders heading into 'Mania.

That's another problem for another day.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.