WWE Elimination Chamber 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

1. The Main Event Is A One-Sided Bore

WWE Elimination Chamber 2023 Sami Zayn El Generico

Oh man, this would blow.

Roman Reigns goes into most of his title defences as the physically-dominant aggressor. That dominance doubles when he's in there against Sami, because WWE's writers will script Zayn to be overwhelmed opposite the 'Tribal Chief' for at least a portion of the Undisputed Title showdown.

Or, maybe they'll just go with having Sam get battered for 99% of the match. That'd turn one of the most-anticipated clashes in years into a one-sided bore that's less Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena from SummerSlam 2014 and more Roman Reigns vs. some local enhancement talent.

This would be insulting to Zayn, insulting to the brilliant story these men have told, and insulting to fans who have invested in the thing. Sami, whether he's ever going to crack the WWE main event scene permanently or not, has to look like he's somewhat of a threat to Roman throughout.

What other nightmare scenarios could come true at WWE Elimination Chamber 2023? For more like this, check out WWE 2K23: 33 Screenshots You NEED To See and WWE Elimination Chamber 2023: 10 Things That Must Happen!

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