WWE Elimination Chamber 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

3. Kevin Owens Is Totally Absent

WWE Elimination Chamber 2023 Sami Zayn El Generico

Kevin Owens hasn't wrestled since losing to Roman Reigns at Royal Rumble and taking a Bloodline beating only stemmed by Sami Zayn's babyface turn. That was a moment KO's character would've been proud of, because he'd been calling for Zayn to stand up against Reigns for months.

Naturally, Owens would want to be there to cheer his old pal on against the 'Tribal Chief'. It'd get a huge pop if Kev's music hit, then he took his place in the stands to keep an eye on matters and ensure the rest of The Bloodline wasn't about to run in and wreck Sami's dream/give Roman a cheap way out.

Of course, there's a flip side to all of this - it'd be odd if Owens wasn't in town for Zayn's big night. WWE might get away with this if they mention he's still recovering, or something, but KO would definitely be on everyone's lips if he no-showed.

It'd be a strange oversight.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.