WWE Extreme Rules 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

2. A F*cking Chairs Match

Vince McMahon WWE Extreme Rules 2021


Some fans on social media believe that an announcement is incoming - one so horrible that it'll cause eyes to bleed from reading it. Yes, there are folks out there who think WWE are about to book a 'Chairs Match' between Bobby Lashley and Big E at Extreme Rules.

Take a time out to go and be sick in the sink.

This fear is born from Lashley's chair-filled attack towards the end of Monday's Raw broadcast. Could it happen? Well, yeah. Should it? No. The 'Chair Match' gimmick has been one of the poorest things about the TLC pay-per-view for years now, and it's so bad that even WWE only use it sparingly.

E vs. Bobby would be fun if they were allowed to brawl. Yes, it'd also be cool for them to use chairs as part of that melee. This overhyped in-house pretence that a 'Chairs Match' is on par with ladders, tables or an Extreme Rules-style bout needs to p*ss off though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.