WWE Extreme Rules 2022: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

4. That “I Quit” Match Sags For The Live Crowd

WWE Extreme Rules 2022 Austin Theory Bray Wyatt

Anyone who watched it remains haunted by Roddy Piper yelling, "WHADDYA SAY!?" into a microphone at WrestleMania XI. Back in 1995, the 'Hot Scot' accidentally turned a submission showpiece between Bret Hart and Bob Backlund into a nightmarish comedy that's still funny/tragic all these years on.

Yeah, "I Quit" matches are a tough sell.

Edge and Finn Bàlor could find that out on Saturday if they don't go the standard tap out route instead. Having the ref brandish a mic, and thus forcing everybody to shuffle awkwardly in their seats as workers grunt and sell over the PA, wouldn't be ideal - pro wrestling never really learns though.

Crowd noise will be at minimum levels as everyone pauses to listen and find out what's being said. That doesn't sound very exciting, and it could turn this fiery grudge match between ex-Judgment Day leader and current captain into Hart vs. Backlund for a new generation.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.