WWE Extreme Rules 2022: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

3. Daniel Cormier Steals Attention

WWE Extreme Rules 2022 Austin Theory Bray Wyatt

The 'Fight Pit' brawl between Matt Riddle and Seth Rollins didn't need a special guest referee. Rumours of Ken Shamrock's return were tasty for the old-schoolers out there who still put him on a pedestal for Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin at 'Mania 13, but...even Kenny boy wouldn't have been necessary.

Daniel Cormier definitely feels superfluous.

It's gonna be tough for a UFC Hall Of Famer like Dan to stand in the background and just let Riddle/Rollins get on with it. WWE didn't book Cormier to play the same role as Charles Robinson, put it that way. He'll get involved somehow, and might even spark Seth out with a Tyson-esque punch.

Therein lies the problem with drafting him in: Rollins and Riddle had enough going on themselves without the addition of an MMA legend who's only there so this show has some sort of celeb special guest. Hopefully, Daniel is a big fan of WWE's usual refs and wants to mimic their work.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.