WWE Fastlane: 10 Possible Scenarios For The Main Event

7. Lesnar Wipes The Floor

Brock Lesnar could be in for a John Cena job at Fastlane. Handing out suplexes left, right and center on his way to an emphatic and dominant conquering of the main event scene. The Beast Incarnate has been booked as an unstoppable wrecking ball since he broke the Undertaker's famous undefeated streak at WrestleMania XXX and it's near time he's given a big run at the top again. Considering Vince is paying the man a multi-million dollar salary, Brock should have a pretty prominent spot at the top of the card, and this includes making Dean Ambrose and the second coming of John Cena look like jobbers. If done right, a Lesnar squash match could catapult Lesnar back to the legitimately unbeatable monster he was at the back end of 2014 and into 2015. As much as Paul Heyman's face would light up with such a thought, Lesnar's chance may be halted because of some certain bearded friends...

I've loved all things sport since I was old enough to know what sport was and am a big fan of terrible jokes. I get into some Gaming in my spare time and writing articles about the things I love to watch and play.