WWE Fastlane: 10 Possible Scenarios For The Main Event

6. The Wyatt Family Attack Brock Lesnar

The seeds have already been sown for a possible Lesnar-Wyatt match at WrestleMania. Leading up to the Royal Rumble, Bray Wyatt was allowed to get the better of the former UFC Champion, which put over the Eater of Worlds in a big, big way. After some shenanigans in the Rumble itself, the Beast was eliminated by the members of the Wyatt Family, who Lesnar had already eliminated. If WWE were keen on this angle then a Wyatt run in is surely a foregone conclusion already for the Fastlane triple threat. It's an easy way to make sure Lesnar doesn't have to take a pin, while also allowing him to be taken out of the equation so that his two lesser opponents to slug it out and further their own storyline. An ambush would keep Lesnar looking semi-strong as he tries to fight off a 4-on-1 handicap.

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