WWE Fastlane: 10 Possible Scenarios For The Main Event

4. The Dusty Finish

An old Vince McMahon favorite, the Dusty Finish. I did mention earlier that Vince himself could count the pin in the end for Ambrose, however, the Dusty Finish knows no bounds and there are a thousand ways to execute it. An accidental collision with superstar and referee could call for an new official to pace down to the ring, only for their final decision to be overturned by Trips and have the whole match made null and void, meaning he didn't have to face anyone. The downed ref could be replaced by an Authority member (I pray for a Shane McMahon return), stacking the odds against uber-babyface sensation that everyone definitely loves, Roman Reigns. The overselling referee could miss a blatant disqualification that helps the wrong man win, or the right man. The finish to the Fastlane could have Dusty Rhodes smiling from on high.

I've loved all things sport since I was old enough to know what sport was and am a big fan of terrible jokes. I get into some Gaming in my spare time and writing articles about the things I love to watch and play.