WWE Fastlane 2018: 10 Things That Must Happen

6. Jinder Mahal Challenges The Winner Of The US Title Match

Jinder Mahal

The never-ending mission to cram as much talent onto the WrestleMania card as possible looks set to continue. Why else would Jinder Mahal have beaten Randy Orton on the latest SmackDown? Jinder's heading for New Orleans too.

As a bragging heel, Jinder needs to boast about beating the number one contender for the United States Title and demand he be added to Fastlane's US Title bout. Either Daniel Bryan or Shane McMahon (probably the former) can then come out and turn Mahal's request down before saying he will face the winner of Bobby Roode vs. Randy Orton.

OK, so it's not ideal, but Jinder does deserve to do something at 'Mania and this seems like the only spot for him.

Similarly, Orton doesn't have much else in the pipeline other than repeating his quest for SmackDown's secondary strap. Keep Mahal at ringside to provide guest commentary on the title match too, so he can explain why he belongs in the mix.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.