WWE Fastlane 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Happen

9. Apollo Crews Gets Even More Gimmicks

Bray Wyatt Sunburn

Apollo Crews has mercifully ditched those armed guards and that spear during his latest interactions with reigning IC Champ Big E on SmackDown. Being honest, he never needed those tacked-on gimmicks in the first place. Surely, talk of his Nigerian heritage and that accent change would've been enough.

Not for the writers, it seems.

Yours truly is seriously worried that Apollo will take things one step further and come out at Fastlane dressed in some sort of traditional African gear. It's horrible to suggest, but what if he turns into a modern-day retelling of regrettable early-90s stereotype Saba Simba? 2021 WWE, and society in general, doesn't need that kind of thing at all.

Crews' attacks on E have added a new layer of credibility to his heel arsenal. The accented promos are also fine so long as he's comfortable doing them (which he seems to be). WWE could ruin his momentum by getting too gimmicky again on Sunday.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.