WWE Fastlane 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Happen

7. Cesaro’s Promise Is Squashed Again

Bray Wyatt Sunburn

Anyone who has been following the 'Ups & Downs' for SmackDown will know that this writer is keen to see Seth Rollins vs. Cesaro ASAP. They'll do great things together, and it's promising that Rollins has ditched the comedic vibes to get nasty with their feud.

Fastlane better not ruin all this hard work.

Cesaro will never reach the level his biggest fans would love him to in WWE. He'd have to get a lot better at talking before that was even possible. No, Cesaro is no promo machine...but he is a wrestling one. Assuming this match happens (it hasn't been announced at time of writing), it'd be ridiculous if he was carved up and jobbed out quickly to Rollins.

Sadly, Cesaro may well be Seth's gateway to Daniel Bryan at 'Mania when that babyface drops down from the Universal Title scene. Thus, Cesaro could end up in another multi-man Battle Royal come the biggest weekend of the year next month.

You've seen that script before.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.