WWE Fastlane 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Happen

5. Sasha Banks Accepts Reginald

Bray Wyatt Sunburn

ARGH x 2!

Sunday's tag match will go one of two ways. Either Reginald will screw Sasha Banks out of the chance to become Women's Tag Champ again, or WWE will play the tired 'this was the plan all along' cliché by revealing that Reggie's flirting with Nia Jax was all a ruse.

Neither of those outcomes are particularly satisfying. Reginald's inclusion in Sasha's story with Bianca Belair is totally unwanted, and it sorta' reeks of the old Diva days. Also, if WWE think that fans want to see Carmella's ex-wine butler get cosy with Banks before WrestleMania, then they're deluded.

They need to get him out of the story before building up to Tampa.

It'll be a disaster of epic proportions if Sasha starts to fall for Reg or plants a kiss on him at Fastlane. Banks and Belair don't deserve to have their rivalry spoiled by some mushy love interest sh*t that isn't even charming.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.