WWE Fastlane 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Happen

4. Shane McMahon Topples Braun Strowman

Bray Wyatt Sunburn

There's so much wrong with the way this feud is being scripted.

Braun Strowman shouldn't be telling the world that he's been bullied since youth for "being stupid", and Shane McMahon shouldn't be stumbling over his words. Going from that hint of fear to rabbit-punching Braun in the gut like he's a UFC bad ass is both jarring and unrealistic.

At Fastlane, McMahon will probs pull another fast one on Strowman so that WWE can get to a gimmick match between the pair at WrestleMania. This is so see-through, and that transparency renders Sunday's shenanigans rather pointless. This is a repeat of their Raw segment dressed up as some must-see pay-per-view showdown.

Fans know that Braun can't get his revenge here. If he does, then WWE will have nothing left in the tank for 'Mania, and that's the end goal here. So, brace yourselves for more green paint, more "you're stupid" jokes, more stalling and more pretence that Shane has Strowman's number.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.