WWE Fastlane 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

9. Bayley Turns On IYO SKY

Cody Rhodes Jey Uso Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions

A split between Bayley and IYO was previously teased then dropped completely. It's coming eventually, but pulling the trigger on things at Fastlane just to get the belt off SKY and onto Charlotte would be silly. This is defo one plot point the E should keep in their back pockets until 'Mania season.

Let IYO enjoy a good/memorable title reign first, please.

Commentators have done a fine balancing act between discussing notions that the deck is stacked against SKY on Saturday (she's in there with two veterans, after all) and positioning her as the most talented of all three involved in this match. Credit to Michael Cole and Wade Barrett for that, but fears of the turn persist.

Bayley will be the natural heel whenever Damage CTRL cracks, sure. That's fine. What isn't fine? Haphazardly rushing into something just to facilitate a championship switch few actually want to see in the first place.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.