WWE Great Balls Of Fire: 20 Best Internet Reactions To Brock Lesnar's Win

6. Domination But No Win?

Even before the match kicked off properly, Samoa Joe was bringing the hurt, smacking down on Brock Lesnar and generally looking like the legitimate beast he needs to be to sell this feud as anything other than another opportunity for Lesnar to squash someone unfairly.

And yet, after incessant offence, Lesnar hits the F5 and wins. But remarkably, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was never going to be a long match for the ages, because of Lesnar and because of the PPV's end-time, but it was booked in such a way that Lesnar was still allowed the win and it in no way derailed Joe's threat.

That's probably how a finisher should always be booked, given the trend of reversals and survivals that's crept into WWE way too much. Aside from a few exceptions, finishers weren't being protected, and the clean, decisive F5 is a smart move all round.

The again, Joe didn't even need the win...


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