WWE Great Balls Of Fire: 20 Best Internet Reactions To Brock Lesnar's Win

4. There's More To Come

The best thing for fans is that the finish of the match very much made more from these two possible, even with Lesnar on a reduced schedule. It feels extremely likely that this will lead into SummerSlam, and looking at the reception a possible rematch has already garnered, it's the right thing to do.

Even Joe is teasing it...

It's just great to see that he wasn't chewed up and spat out like other Lesnar "victims", which is easily the best way to book that rematch down the road. If anything, it barely needs any more story-telling in the lead up.

Still, it's a little frustrating that the nature of the beast means there's no way we get to see as much of this feud as it deserves. It might have been a good match, but it could easily have been longer (and it should have been).


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