WWE Hall Of Fame 2017: 10 Best Moments

8. Rick Rude Jr. Is Definitely His Father's Son

WWE Hall Of Fame 2017 Rick Rude Jr

Rick Rude's wife, son and daughter came out to give an acceptance speech in his place, and from the moment Rick Rude Jr. told the sound department to "Cut the music", it was clear he is definitely his father's son.

After considering how his father would accept the induction, Rick Jr. addressed the crowd by saying, "What I'm gonna need right now, is for all of you fat, out-of-shape, overweight, central Florida sweathogs to keep the noise down so all the ladies can get what they came for tonight."

His natural confidence on the mic combined with an impressive physique caused many fans to wonder whether Vince might try to snap him up for a WWE run. Funnily enough, however, he actually did have a try-out with the company back in 2013, though nothing came of it.

Screw it: throw him in the André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. There's still time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.