WWE Hall Of Famer Compares Adam Cole To Chris Jericho

Adam Cole is the next Chris Jericho, at least according to this WWE legend.

Adam Cole

Booker T irked a lot of folks with recent comments about CM Punk's AEW debut.

Now, the WWE Hall Of Famer has turned his attention to former NXT man Adam Cole. Don't worry, Book wasn't in the mood to bash Mr. "Bay Bay" via his podcast - instead, he complimented the former WWE star by comparing him to fellow legend Chris Jericho.

Booker said that pro wrestling companies need a lot of different "soldiers" if they're going to succeed. Not everybody can be the top star, so the likes of WWE, AEW and beyond require workers who can reliably fill spots further down the card without losing steam or a connection with the audience.


He described Cole as one "hell of a soldier" who could come into All Elite and do whatever they pleased. That, to him, is the sign of a brilliant "teammate", and it's why Cole reminds him of Jericho.

Book wasn't done there. He added that Cole and Jericho are similar physically too. Neither man is the biggest, but they "know how to work [like they're] 6’3″ tall". That's something Booker admires about them.

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Adam Cole
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