WWE Hell In A Cell 2019: 38 Things You Probably Missed

1. The View From The Stands

Hell In A Cell 2019 Fan View

This one comes via Reddit user twistedlogicx.

They posted a picture of their view from the stands during Sunday's main event. That red lighting made it nigh-on impossible for them to see what was happening inside the ring, and it likely spoiled what was supposed to be the most visually-stunning match of the night.

This is more evidence of what some on social media have been crowing about for years. WWE is more of a television show live fans are there to play a part in rather than a live wrestling show for those live fans.

What other little hidden gems and easter egg moments did you spot at HIAC 2019? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.