WWE Hell In A Cell 2020: 10 Things That MUST Happen

2. The Women's HIAC Headlines

Bayley Sasha Banks

Remember Hell In A Cell 2016? Back then, Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair deservedly headlined the pay-per-view and tore strips off one another with a clash that lived up to the billing. Four years on, Sasha must get that honour again. Her on/off rivalry with Bayley has been simmering for over two years now.

It's time to pull that trigger.

Roman Reigns vs. Jey Uso got to headline Clash Of Champions, and the Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton feud has already had several major moments too (their 'Ambulance' war being the most memorable). Bayley and Banks can do wonderful things if they're let loose inside the Cell, and WWE should have full confidence that they'll close the show out nicely.

Booking three HIAC matches on the same card is always a risk, but there's enough difference between the bouts on offer to make them stand out. This SmackDown Women's Title showdown feels like the right headliner.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.