WWE Hell In A Cell 2020: 10 Things That MUST Happen

3. Jimmy Uso Is Rendered Helpless

WWE Clash of Champions 2020 Roman Reigns Jey Uso Jimmy Uso

Back at Clash, a still-injured Jimmy Uso chucked in the towel for his struggling brother, protected Jey's fallen body and then acknowledged Roman as his Chief. That powerful moment enhanced an already-kick ass drama, but it can't happen again at Hell In A Cell.

Jimmy has to be helpless as he sheds tears watching Reigns teach his sibling a cruel lesson inside the cage. WWE can go all the way with this too. They can have Jimmy attempt to use Paul Heyman as bait to stop Roman's punishment, and they can show Reigns sneering about it. He doesn't actually care about Paul E - Heyman is a tool, not someone the Universal Champ has personal affection for.

Reigns' presentation has been awesome since returning, and it's in everyone's best interests that he continues to look like a carefree d*ckhead consumed by an endless crusade for respect. The image of a distraught Jimmy helplessly praying for his brother would tug at fan heart strings.

Could be chilling.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.