WWE Hell In A Cell 2020: 10 Things That MUST Happen

5. A Post-Match Claymore Kick Through The Cage

Randy Orton Drew McIntyre

Someone maybe needs to sneak up on Vince McMahon and whisper, 'Psst! You can still book Randy Orton vs. Edge next year without the WWE Title'. There'd be hunger for Edge's comeback regardless of opponent and it can happen without stomping all over Drew McIntyre's parade.

The reigning WWE Champ deserves to look strong.

Come the end of his first HIAC match, McIntyre must stand proudly (but painfully) with that title in his hands. Then, as Randy recovers slowly on the outside, a menacing look can cross Drew's face. Suddenly, he should leave the ring, run full pelt at his rival and end their issues with a meaty Claymore Kick through the mesh.

What a visual it'd be if Orton were careening straight through the cage. WWE can always patch up that panelling before other Cell matches to come, but it'd be a fitting end to the feud. Plus, such a spot would put McIntyre's finish over big style.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.