WWE Hell In A Cell 2020: 10 Things That MUST Happen

4. Roman Reigns Shows His Sick Side

WWE Hell In A Cell 2020

Watch Jey Uso's facial expressions carefully on recent episodes of SmackDown and you'll see subtle little shreds of self-doubt. He took a kicking back at Clash Of Champions, and the underdog babyface knows he's probably in for more when that padlock goes on the Cell door this Sunday.

Time for 'Tribal Chief' Roman Reigns to become a sicko? You bet.

This, aside from a few hope spots for Jey that prove his mettle, should be a one-sided demolition job that even horrifies Paul Heyman outside the cage. Reigns can toy with his cousin and grow more and more angry that Uso won't acknowledge him like he wants. If WWE are feeling particularly brave, they can even add some blood.

This is Hell, for crying out loud - besides, the family warfare story has reached the point of an 'I Quit' stip inside HIAC. If that doesn't deserve some claret, then yours truly isn't really too sure what would. They can use fake stuff if they want. Just tell a story worthy of the build.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.