WWE: Kane's Top 7 Tag Team Partners

5. Big Show

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63_vdr2Tka4 There was nothing that special nor overly memorable about the team of Kane and the Big Show, but they did have a dominating run as World Tag Team champions from November 2005 until April 2006. They were to giant veterans who simply weren't being given main event pushes at the time and therefore were put together as a team. Their reign began at Taboo Tuesday, the format was that fans would choose from three different superstars to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship on the show, with the other two then competing together against the World Tag Team champions. Shawn Michaels won the poll and thus Kane and Big Show took on, and beat, then-champions Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch. Their most high profile defence came at WrestleMania 22 in 2006, defeating the team of Carlito and Chris Masters in the opening contest of the show. Their reign ended a night later on Raw, when they dropped the belts to the Spirit Squad. The duo split as Kane went loopy during the 'May 19' angle which was promoting the See No Evil movie that Kane starred in. The pair had developed a friendship and bond during their allegiance, but went in different directions after their match at Backlash that year.
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Martin Perry is a writer for WhatCulture, who has a passion for the blood, sweat and tears world of Boxing, and an enthusiasm for the world of WWE. Other interests include Football and Darts. You can follow and contact him on Twitter @MartinPez