WWE Match Types You Will NEVER See Again

3. Buried Alive

Stone Cold Steve Austin WWE Buried Alive

There hasn't been a Buried Alive match for almost 14 years. It's true. The last one took place back at Bragging Rights 2010 in October of that year. Here's another fact: There's never been a grave digging bout in WWE without The Undertaker. Now he's retired, can the same be said for this gimmick match?

In a word, yes.

Iconic scenes like 'Taker's purple glove poking through the dirt in 1996, or Nexus helping Kane bury his brother in 2010 are a thing of the past. Put it this way - it wouldn't make sense for anybody not-named The Undertaker to work Buried Alive in the future. You're not seeing Roman Reigns in one of these things.

It fit the 'Deadman's' character to literally try to bury his rivals whilst breathing. Triple H is a bit old school when it comes to these things, so he won't dig up (sorry) a stipulation like this one without cause. 2K should totally put it back in the games though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.