WWE Money In The Bank 2015: Ranking 7 Likeliest Briefcase Winners

6. Kane

Kane is one of three former briefcase winners in this match, and comfortably the least likely to repeat the trick a second time. The former Big Red Machine has lost so much of his credibility, it's now hard not to feel sorry for the guy. He should have retired long before his affiliation with the Authority began, but sticking around has made a bland heavy out of one of the most colourful characters in WWE history. Should Kane win at Money In The Bank, the WWE's momentum going into the summer would grind to a halt. It would be a huge booking mistake, and one they thankfully look sure of avoiding. Why Is He In The Match?: To give fans an Authority presence to boo, but this seems a poor decision. Although always safe and dependable, Kane drags down the pace of any match he's involved in these days. This slot could have gone to someone far more deserving.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.