WWE Money In The Bank 2015: Ranking 7 Likeliest Briefcase Winners

5. Kofi Kingston

Some years ago, it wouldn't have been wholly unrealistic to expect Kofi to have a shot of winning this thing. Sadly, for such a promising talent, those days look to be long gone. Although Kingston has experienced something of a career resurgence alongside stabelmates Xavier Woods and Big E. Langston, he isn't destined for the top of the card anymore. A briefcase win would be very shocking, to say the least. Kofi does chart higher than Kane and Neville, however, for the simple fact that winning the briefcase would lead to some unique booking. Rarely do members of such a tightly-knit collective win Money In The Bank, and the thought of all three New Day members working desperately to keep the briefcase on Kingston is an unquestionably fun one. It would also restore a great deal of legitimacy to the tag team division. Why Is He In The Match: For the same reason as Neville - to provide the high spots and hopefully some crazy, unique things we've never seen before (an inventiveness which has probably kept him in the WWE over the years).
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.