WWE NXT 8 Ups And 1 Down (Jun 15)
1. GYV Are Swept Away By A Thatch And Ciampa Tornado

With both units not being table to keep their hands off each other over the last couple of weeks, the decision was made to throw Zack Gibson and James Drake into a sure-to-be-violent Tornado Tag Team match with Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher. And guess what? It delivered on those savage expectations.
Synchronised thumping and submissions from Thatch and Ciampa were answered back by the usual divide and conquer tactics the former NXT UK Tag Team Champions are known to employ in the heat of battle, but the two unlikely allies were far from intimidated by the more experienced tag team squad. It wouldn't be an overstatement to claim that this was the most entertaining both Ciampa and Thatch have been within the squared-circle for the better part of a year, with the former in particular looking like a man possessed on more than one occasion and every bit the one-man-army we'd grown to adore earlier in his NXT career.
In the end, the sheer desire to overcome their bitter opponents was the deciding factor for Ol' Man Ciampa and Toothless Timmy here, as the former NXT Champion rose from the dead to nail Gibson with an Air Raid Crash on the announce desk before combining with his partner to tap out Drake in the middle of the ring.
Sure, you could make an argument as to why GYV should've been given the vital 'W' instead, but it seems as though those in charge are saving that mouth-watering MSK showdown for the next TakeOver event in August. So, for now, it looks like Ciampa and Thatcher are next up for the current NXT Tag Team Champions, with the vibrant youngsters no doubt facing their toughest task to date in the form of the menacing madmen.