WWE NXT TakeOver: The End: 10 Awesome Moments

Some cool camera work added weight to Samoa Joe's victory at NXT TakeOver...

Samoe Joe NXT Champion

The latest slice of NXT TakeOver goodness had a more stripped-down atmosphere compared to the last one in Dallas. At least from a presentation standpoint, the Full Sail University surroundings seemed more low-key when compared to the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Centre used for TakeOver right before WrestleMania.

That didn't really matter once the matches themselves were introduced, each one was hard-hitting and interesting enough to maintain attention. As far as 2-hour wrestling broadcasts go, WWE have a killer formula with NXT TakeOver. None of the 5 matches seemed rushed, instead all were given time to breathe and allowed talent to make their point.

It'll be mighty interesting to see what differences have been made to NXT once the next TakeOver event happens on August 20, especially due to the impending brand split on the main roster. Raw and SmackDown may just swallow up a whole load of current stars on the developmental brand, and that was reflected in the show title.

Dubbed 'The End (Of The Beginning)', the latest NXT showcase had numerous stand out moments. Let's look at those which could accurately be deemed awesome...

10. WWE's Throwback Video Package Pays Tribute To Armageddon

Samoe Joe NXT Champion

As far as wrestling pay-per-view names go, 'Armageddon' has to be considered one of the best. Debuting in 1999, the show's title had a satisfying impact to it, and that mood was one WWE decided to borrow for the latest NXT event. Older viewers will have immediately recognised the music used in the TakeOver opening, even if it had been remixed.

'The End' is a WWE in-house production, and this felt like a throwback to when the company relied more on their own creativity than the music of other artists. The song gave the TakeOver introduction some credibility, something that only helped drive the clips used along.

Brilliantly exploring the history of NXT, WWE's ever-awesome production team hit a home run with this one. From Seth Rollins becoming the first NXT Champion, to Paige becoming NXT Women's Champ, there was something for everyone. In just a few short minutes, the promotion put across exactly what NXT brings to the WWE table.

There was also a nice transition from history to present day, with finality being the aura surrounding Samoa Joe vs. Finn Balor. Excellent stuff all round.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.