WWE Payback 2023: 10 Things That Must Happen

Payback should end with quite the visual to help set up WWE's next big PLE.

WWE Payback 2023 Shinsuke Nakamura

This feels lower key than WWE would probably like to admit.

Payback is a 'B' level PLE at best anyway, and the 2023 lineup reflects that. Sure, top titles are on the line and there's a major, feud-ending gimmick bout, but there's been a sleepy vibe to some of the build that's hard to ignore. Thankfully, the roster is more than talented enough to make things click come the weekend.

At first glance, Payback is throwaway, but dig deeper and you'll see some vital decisions Triple H and his creative cronies must get right. Someone's push hangs in the balance, a champion badly needs some credible challengers, stables are on the precipice of falling apart, and more.

One welcome return on the women's side would liven things up there, and a show-closing visual could set the scene for things to come at Fastlane (yes, they're bringing that name back) in October. WWE clearly wants to breeze through the next couple of pay-per-views, but they've still got to be careful with the booking.

Here's everything that simply must happen come Saturday night in the Steel City!

10. LA Knight & The Miz Open

WWE Payback 2023 Shinsuke Nakamura

Energy levels are important.

No, not just in everyday life, but on pro wrestling cards too. WWE's usual pyro and ballyhoo at Payback will be followed by a commentary introduction, then a pause, then..."YEAH!". The live crowd in Pittsburgh will be hot if LA Knight's music hits so everyone can "YEAH!" themselves hoarse over and over again.

There's some spice on this one after The Miz's excellent Raw promo too. There, he cosplayed Knight and mocked his gimmick. It was a stellar segment, one that properly hyped the coming PLE match with serious pizzazz. Nobody should be surprised by that - Miz is one of the most adaptable talents on the roster and has been for a long, long time.

WWE has a few choices for the opener on Saturday night, but LA vs. Miz seems like the best bet. Bring Knight out first, get the fans onside early, then watch those energy levels rise even in the nosebleed seats way up high.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.