WWE Power Rankings - May 10th 2014

1. The Shield

Once again stealing the show in the match of the night at Extreme Rules, all three men looked like a million bucks in the process. If WWE has learnt anything about this group during 2014 it should be to never split them up. They complement each other so well that they can main event any event given the right opponents. Extreme Rules didn€™t just see them compete in an amazing match but get a huge rub by defeating the reuniting legendary stable Evolution completely clean. All three men can be stars together or separately but hopefully it will be together for quite a lot longer. Ambrose dropped the United States Championship in the opening of Raw but it took a 20 Man Battle Royal, where he was the final elimination. There are very few other ways to keep him looking strong while dropping the title from him in an actual match and it was nice that Triple H€™s vindictiveness meant taking it from him €œfairly€ instead of a screwy finish or just stripping him. The crowd even chanted €œLet€™s Go Ambrose€ while there was still 14 men in the ring, showing how over The Shield are right now. The main event of Raw saw The Shield fall short to the numbers game, losing to the Wyatts after interference from Evolution who laid them out after the match. Despite coming up short twice on Raw they were made to look like warriors in their refusal to give up or back down, and it took six men to hold them down (and 19 to take Ambrose€™s title). Ambrose lost the rematch to Sheamus after taking two Brogue Kicks, but it was a fantastic match that again made the Shield member look incredibly gutsy. Later on in the show, Roman Reigns managed to notch up a win for the group when he defeated former World Champion Mark Henry in a quick fashion. However Rollins also came up short in a great match against Batista, but a countout loss to a former World Champion hardly makes Rollins look weak. Especially when considering that all three men were still selling injuries from the beatdown that ended Raw.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.