WWE Power Rankings - May 10th 2014

2. Bray Wyatt

Even though Cena had endless opportunities to successfully escape the cage if it weren't for the Family€™s interference, the match was good enough that Wyatt somehow didn't look weak because of it. The ending particularly worked to boost Wyatt€™s reputation as a brainwashing cult leader and once again the use of a child silenced the crowd by ramping up the creepy factor. Bray followed it up with a practically flawless in-ring promo. Like all good villains, Bray has a perfectly valid view that is practically inarguable but thanks to his methods and personality he somehow managed to get that across to get a more heel reaction than he has recently. WWE were smart to have Cena not respond until Main Event. Speaking of main events, Bray and the Family were part of Raw€™s great main event in another battle against The Shield. They came out on top after interference from Evolution, with Bray getting the pinfall on Roman Reigns in a relatively clean fashion as Reigns was only distracted by Evolution. John Cena€™s retort to Wyatt on Main Event was weak, and Bray€™s SmackDown promo left him looking the undeniable winner in the battle of the words for the week. They also looked the best in the ring, as the Family defeated the team of Cena and The Usos in the main event of SmackDown.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.