WWE: Ranking 2013's PPVs From Worst To Best

3. Money In The Bank

MitbCard: The Shield (Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns) (c) vs. The Usos (Jimmy and Jey) for the WWE Tag Team Championship Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Antonio Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger vs. Fandango vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Wade Barrett in the World Heavyweight Championship Money In The Bank Ladder match Curtis Axel (c) vs. The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship AJ Lee (c) vs Kaitlyn for the Divas Championship Ryback vs. Chris Jericho Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggeler for the World Heavyweight Championship John Cena (c) vs. Mark Henry for the WWE Championship Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Christian vs. Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk vs. Rob Van Dam in the WWE Championship Money In The Bank Ladder match The annual Money In The Bank ladder match (or matches, as has been the case in recent years) has always been a highlight of the year and this year was no different, as Damien Sandow and Randy Orton emerged victorious in matches that both contained their fair share of excellent spots, and respectively featured the highly effective breakup of Team Rhodes Scholars and the return of fan favourite Rob Van Dam. Mark Henry earned a shot at John Cena's title after delivering one of the best promos of all time on Raw several weeks beforehand, feigning retirement with a highly emotional speech before attacking the champion. As a result of this, many thought he should win the match, though they were ultimately disappointed. Elsewhere, in perhaps the best pre-show match of the year, The Shield and The Usos were given fifteen minutes to put on a display, and they certainly didn't disappoint with a matchup that should've been much higher on the card (particularly over a borefest such as Curtis Axel vs. The Miz).

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.