WWE: Ranking 5 Best & Worst Belt Designs In WWE History

2. WWE Undisputed Championship (2002 €“ 05)

wwf undisputed I was not a fan of this belt when it debuted right after WrestleMania 18 but that was because I loved the idea that the champion would come out holding both the WWF and the WCW championship. It looked great seeing Jericho perform his entrance holding two beasty belts and cemented a great image into everyone€™s mind. But as Jericho states in his book, it was difficult to travel with such huge additions to his luggage. A new belt was destined to debut. And it really was quite lovely. It maintained the grand look of its predecessor but also changed it all up just a little bit. It was the first WWE Championship to be anything but circular but was instead rounded much like the €œSpinner€. It changed colour slightly, becoming darker, making the belt and its title appear much more current and Attitudey. This was also the first belt I ever got my hands on as a true replica. Looking at the thing up close was wondrous. The detail and symbolism was superb and the size of it didn€™t really show on TV with the likes of Triple H and Brock Lesnar being the most remembered holders. Funny little story about this belt from my wrestling days. At one point I was the UK champion but there was no belt, money wasn€™t something we made but I didn€™t mind. As soon as I lost the title of course this belt was brought in to represent the title and I never got a run with it. Very similar to Y2J€.kinda.
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WhatCulture WWE Editor: An Ex Wrestler, Computer Game Retail Employee, Batman fanatic and all round nerdy man who's views on Wrestling and all that come with it border on the obsessive.