WWE: Ranking 5 Best & Worst Belt Designs In WWE History

3. Every Intercontinental Championship (1979 €“ Present)

ic titles It€™s not quite as simple as that really as the original belt was a throwback of the early days when belts were simply plates made of metal. But after that this belt really took on a life of its own and became, arguably, the greatest belt for superb matches and talent. This burnt the image of the belt, regardless of era, into fans minds. Whether it was the 80€™s belt; made famous by too many names to remember to the more recent Attitude belt which, let€™s face it, belongs to Chris Jericho. It speaks volumes about a belts past design that it can be brought back into the current era seamlessly as Cody Rhodes did a little over a year ago. Its design has always been simple yet striking, a majestic belt for all time and the blueprint on how to design a belt that will last the ages. This belt is the most steeped in history over the past 40 years and any amazing wrestler who never quite managed to capture the ultimate prize will have most definitely captured this gem. This is not just a great looking belt regardless of the era, but also the most desired by many.
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WhatCulture WWE Editor: An Ex Wrestler, Computer Game Retail Employee, Batman fanatic and all round nerdy man who's views on Wrestling and all that come with it border on the obsessive.