WWE: Ranking 5 Best & Worst Belt Designs In WWE History

3. Unified WWE Tag Team Championship (2010-Present)

I€™m not entirely sure of the design choice of these belts as, quite often, they are referred to as the copper coin belts. And you can quite obviously see why. Something I always like when it comes to individual belts throughout any company is that they all follow a theme and design. During the Attitude Era each belt looked as though it was made up of the same materials, designed by the same persona and each had their own shape. Something I think WWE doesn€™t care about these days. These belts are so far away from any other current design that they look totally out of place around anybody€™s waist. They just look a bit stupid. What I do like about these belts is the gladiator symbolism which I think works quite well but they need a bit more colour and even some jewels to actually look remotely good. Oh, and a material change! Why not gold? What a novel idea.
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WhatCulture WWE Editor: An Ex Wrestler, Computer Game Retail Employee, Batman fanatic and all round nerdy man who's views on Wrestling and all that come with it border on the obsessive.