WWE Raw: 10 Things You May Have Missed (Sept 5)

7. Amazingly Natural Babyface/Heel Dynamic Between Bayley & Charlotte

Stephanie Mcmahon Raw Phone

An unfortunate injury to Sasha Banks has opened the door for others, specifically Bayley. The 'girl next door' babyface has crash-landed on the main roster, and she looks set to challenge Charlotte for the WWE Women's Title at some point down the line. For now, she'll have to wait, because Banks has her rematch at Clash Of Champions.

That was announced later in the show, but WWE were testing the waters by having Bayley defeat Charlotte on the program. Many will have enjoyed the match, but those watching closely will have noticed some stellar selling from Bayley of her left knee.

Charlotte and Bayley are so good at their respective heel and babyface roles, something which only heightened the sense that the latter was struggling against the current champion. These women told a story with the minutes they were given, rather than simply rushing through every spot they could think of.

Consequently, the match didn't come across like an elaborate dance routine, it felt like a struggle. Seriously, go back and watch a second time, you'll have a newfound appreciation for both girls.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.