WWE Raw: 10 Things You Might Have Missed (Aug 8)
9. A Sporadic ECW Chant
At least The Miz was booked to cut a strong promo cutting through Paul Heyman's claims that Brock Lesnar will leave WWE should he lose the Universal Title at SummerSlam. This is Miz at his best, and he pulls off the smug heel persona so well. It's just a shame the fans were more interested in chanting for a dead brand.
Perhaps that's unfair, because ECW did cause enough of a stir that people are still talking about it 15+ years on. It was easy to miss this week, but the live crowd definitely started chanting for the hardcore league when Heyman picked up his mic and offered a verbal retort to The Miz. As he often does these days though, Paul ignored it.
The chant fizzled out quickly, which WWE should be thankful for. The last thing they needed was to make the Intercontinental Champion look like an also ran and have focus on Extreme Championship Wrestling all in the one segment.