WWE Raw: 10 Things You Might Have Missed (July 25)

1. Stephanie's Heavyweight Championship Lie

Kevin Owens Rusev

On occasion, WWE like to either outright ignore the past or just stretch the truth a little bit. Sometimes, there's no serious problem to be found with this strategy, but when it comes to World Title history, the truth cannot be altered. Stephanie McMahon tried to do that during Raw's opening segment.

Aiming her vitriol at Roman Reigns, who had been pinned by Dean Ambrose at Battleground, Stephanie said he cost Raw the chance to feature a World Title. That's when she lied, claiming that Raw had never experienced a period when there wasn't a Heavyweight Championship on the show.

Older fans will remember the period in 2002 when Raw didn't have a top title of its own. That's precisely why Eric Bischoff created the World Heavyweight Championship in September of that year and handed it to Steph's husband Triple H.

Interestingly enough, McMahon also once again referred to the belt held by Dean Ambrose as the WWE World Heavyweight Title. Previously, WWE had simply been calling it the WWE Championship.

What other nuances and little hidden gems did you spot on Raw that people may have missed? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.