WWE Raw: 10 Things You Might Have Missed (July 25)

2. Kevin Owens Had The Visual Win Over Finn Balor Three Times

Kevin Owens Rusev

The first of two Fatal-4-Way encounters set up by Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon had Rusev, Cesaro, Kevin Owens and Finn Balor all vying for the main event spot. The winner would face Roman Reigns (decided by a second Fatal-4-Way) in the main event. Fans were undoubtedly delighted that it turned out to be Balor.

As cool as the Irishman's win was, it's important to note that another in the match was given more than one visual win over Finn during the bout. What this means is that Kevin Owens looked to have Balor down for the three count before others in the match stopped the pin fall from happening.

One pin following a Neckbreaker was halted by Cesaro, then Rusev stopped Owens from beating Balor after hitting him with a deadly-looking Frog Splash. Rounding things out, KO then hit a Popup Powerbomb on the former NXT Champ, only being stopped by Cesaro once more.

Hopefully, this is something Owens will play off of in promos in the near future. Some singles matches between he and Balor would be dynamite.

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