WWE Raw: 10 Things You Might Have Missed (July 25)

5. Dana Brooke Just Casually Throwing The WWE Women's Title Down

Kevin Owens Rusev

Generally speaking, the actual physical title belts should be coveted by every performer on the roster. After all, it's someday holding one of those championships that we are told wrestlers aspire to during their careers. Watching the WWE Women's Title match on Raw didn't do much to further that theory.

Charlotte held the title over a downed Sasha Banks, who calmly booted the belt out of her grasp. This was poignant, because it hinted at what was to come later, but the abuse of the title didn't stop there. Dana Brooke was up next, infuriatingly treating the WWE Women's Title with little respect.

Banks had thrown the belt her way before falling to the floor, looking to trick the referee into thinking Brooke had smashed her with it. The official bought that idea, and decided to send Dana packing.

Instead of placing the belt back on the podium at ringside, or even giving it to Charlotte, Brooke simply hurled it to the ground carelessly. Admittedly, this is nit-picking, but it would have been nice to see her showing more respect for the title.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.