WWE Raw: 10 Things You Might Have Missed (July 25)

4. Big Cass Got Lost In His 'How You Doin' Spiel

Kevin Owens Rusev

Taking on some of the responsibility previously left to The New Day, Enzo Amore and Big Cass have become some of the most entertaining talkers in WWE. There's a reason they were drafted to Raw, management are quite obviously highly keen on the duo.

All Enzo and Cass had to do this week was cut their usual promo and then face The Shining Stars in a brief bout. Following their usual trend of listing random items and interspersing them with the 'How You Doin' catchphrase, the team almost fluffed their lines on Raw. It wasn't entirely noticeable, mainly because they are so slick at what they do, but it definitely happened.

Big Cass was listing different food that he liked raw, but almost seemed to run out of things to say. At one point, he even followed up saying 'fish' with 'Sushi'. Only then did the music of Primo and Epico hit, hinting that the promo wasn't supposed to go on for that long.

Even if Cass had tripped over his words, he and Enzo are so over that few would have noticed.

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