WWE Raw: 8 Things To Expect Tonight (July 11)

5. Wyatt Family Compound

Vince Mcmahon

Sometimes, you’ve got to commend the WWE for its originality and creativity. At other times, you’ve got to admire the unabashed cheek of ripping off an idea that clearly came from somewhere else.

I’ll let you decide which side of the fence you sit on for this latest compound angle—which sounds more like some strange science/maths hybrid module from school than a pro wrestling storyline.

But that’s exactly what it is; Bray and his Family have invited the New Day to bring their sunshine, their laughter, and their mendacity to the Wyatt’s mysterious compound, presumably in Bray’s back garden. Weirdly, TNA has done something rather similar recently, which is of course just a massively serendipitous coincidence...

In all seriousness though, the booking of this rivalry has been great so far. Xavier Woods is actually selling the Wyatt Family as a legitimate threat and the entire angle is all the better for it.

It may or may not be a rehash of someone else’s idea, but who really cares—this should be a good watch nonetheless.


Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.