WWE Raw Debut Wrestlers: Where Are They Now?

12. The Executioners

A common idea for wrestling promoters over the years has been to put enhancement talent under masks (or 'hoods') and call them something generic. That was the case for Barry Hardy and Duane Gill in the WWF, who went under the name of The Executioners for the purpose of putting over The Steiner Brothers on Monday Night Raw's first episode. Some fans may recall that Duane Gill later played the role of 'Gillberg' in the WWF. Of course, the character was a complete parody of WCW's Bill Goldberg, designed to undermine his popularity. Gill worked as a jobber in the WWF for years, staring at the lights for anyone and everyone. He did become a WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion whilst working as Gillberg in earl 2000. Barry Hardy was another regular enhancement talent, and he still works in pro wrestling to this day. Semi-retired from in-ring competition, he actually works as a manager for various independent promotions in Florida. As for Gill, he opened the Gillberg Pro Wrestling Academy in 2010, and continues to run the training facility today.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.