WWE RAW Review: A Great Show Overshadowed By A New Belt

ALBERTO DEL RIO VS DOLPH ZIGGLER IS DOLPH ZIGGLER EVER GOING TO BEAT SOMEONE BESIDES KOFI KINGSTON?! My God, what must the man do to stop getting jobbed out to the upper-tier guys? This is the fourth RAW column I€™ve written and every week I have to give props to Ziggler without being able to say Ziggler won. It€™s infuriating as a fan. Luckily, once again, the match was great. Del Rio finally gets to wrestle someone who has just a tad more athleticism than the Big Show. In the end though, Dolph Ziggler taps out to Del Rio. Then the WWE decided to be a tease. Big E Langston does his super awesome finishing move to Del Rio, post-match, and Ziggler decides to cash in his Money in the Bank contract. Now, I knew this wasn€™t going to happen. They were hyping Del Rio/Swagger the entire match, so I knew Ziggler didn€™t fit into the picture. When Ricardo intercepted the briefcase, and ran up the ramp, I was ok with it. It was a creative way to stop him from cashing in so props for that. Although, I do think it€™s stupid that according to Money in the Bank lore, you actually have to physically hand the referee the lunchbox in order to start the match. I think both competitors have to stand up or something. I€™m honestly surprised that with yesterday being President€™s Day, they didn€™t have a €œBANKS ARE CLOSED TODAY€ clause.

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I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify